Planned Investment Co., Inc. considers the privacy of its customers nonpublic personal information, whether current or former, to be a matter of the utmost importance. We believe that any personal nonpublic customer data provided to us should be treated with the highest level of regard. This Privacy Policy is being provided to our customers to outline our current policy and practices with regard to how nonpublic personal information about individual customers is collected and used as well as secured and shared.
Collecting Nonpublic Personal Information: We collect non-public personal information including your name, address, date of birth, social security number, financial and suitability information, government issued identification, and more, through the completion of applications and forms, in order to open, update and maintain accounts that are held through Planned Investment Co., Inc.. We also collect information about your transactions we process through our clearing firm and other fund and insurance companies we have an agreement with which may include your account balance, investment history and parties to transactions.
We Do Not Sell Your Personal Informationhowever for our everyday business purposes,we must allow access to nonpublic personal information with companies that assist or perform services on our behalf, such as opening accounts, processing transfers, transactions, printing/mailing services and maintaining our IT systems. We require these companies to protect the confidentiality of your nonpublic personal information and to use it only for the intended purpose in which it was allowed.
We do not however, share nonpublic personal information we collect about you or any of our former customers with anyone, except as required or permitted by law including responding to court orders and legal investigations, reporting to credit bureaus, law enforcement, or government or regulatory agencies, or as authorized by you in writing. This includes not sharing your nonpublic personal information with your registered representative when he/she leaves our firm.
Security: Planned Investment Co., Inc. maintains physical and procedural safeguards that comply with Federal standards to guard customer information, and has procedures in place for its appropriate disposal and protection against its unauthorized access or use when we are no longer required to maintain the information. Planned Investment Co., Inc. recommends that you DO NOT provide your password to access your account information to anyone for any reason. If you are the subject of identity theft and/or a security breach, inform us right away.
Accuracy: The accuracy of your personal information is important. If you need to correct or update information we have on record for you, let us know as soon as you’re aware. In some cases, a written note and supporting documentation may be necessary to facilitate your request.
Employee Access To Information: All Planned Investment Co., Inc. employees must adhere to Planned Investment Co., Inc.’s confidentiality policy. Employee access to customer information is authorized for business purposes only while employed with Planned Investment Co., Inc..
Our Requirement: As your broker-dealer and/or Investment Adviser Firm, Planned Investment Co., Inc. provides an initial and subsequent annual privacy policy notice to all existing customers as required by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. A copy of our Privacy Policy is available to all clients and prospective clients of Planned Investment Co., Inc. at any other time upon request. If you are receiving this notice but are no longer a client, please accept our apology for the inconvenience and let us know by calling 800-735-0368.
Opting-Out: Companies that share customer information with other companies for the purpose of marketing their products to you must provide what’s called an Opt-Out Program – which allows you to have your contact information excluded from the sharing arrangement. Because we do not share your information with third parties for any reason not allowed by law, an opt-out program is not needed nor required.